Monthly Archives: December 2014

ARev32 – Emulating Port Based Printing


When Revelation Software announced the development of ARev32 many years ago, we must confess that we were not overly enthusiastic about the news. After all, it was hard enough trying to convince our long-term Advanced Revelation (aka AREV) clients to finally upgrade their systems to OpenInsight. ARev32 seemed to be just another way for businesses to remain standing still with their legacy systems. Of course, all that changed when many of our accounts began to face the dilemma of upgrading their workstations beyond Windows XP. Yes, a full conversion to OpenInsight would still be ideal, but we had to admit that some businesses simply do not have the budget for a project of this scope. Faced with the prospect of losing the client for a cheap off-the-shelf product, we quickly discovered the value of ARev32. Suffice to say we have become converts and great admirers of this product. It is truly remarkable how well it preserves the AREV look, feel, and functionality. There are a few differences, of course, but these are typically the result of the underlying technology required to implement ARev32 as an emulated environment. Fortunately, most of these are easy to work around.
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SRP Ribbon Control BETA

SRP Ribbon

SRP is pleased to announce our newest control, the SRP Ribbon Control.

The SRP Ribbon Control brings the toolbar user interface made popular by recent versions of Microsoft Office. Ribbon controls completely replace the old menus used by the Presentation Server. No more cumbersome menus and makeshift toolbars. All your application’s commands are in one place, easy to modify, and easy to code against. In addition to making your life as a developer easier, your application takes on any one of the latest Office themes that suit your taste.

We are releasing a BETA version of the control, today, totally free for the next thirty days. No popups. No catches. We simply want the community to try it out and let us know if they encounter any issues. We ran it through some extensive testing, so we’re confident any issues will be minor. Our wiki has been updated to include help documentation to get you started, but we’ve provided a quick overview of this new control’s features here to whet your appetite.

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