The Next Evolution…
About a year and a half ago we came up with the concept of creating a community for SRP customers and clients. This would be an area designed to allow everyone to share tips, tricks, and ideas on how to use and improve their OI application using SRP controls and utilities. All of this started with the creation of the SRP Wiki. We shortly thereafter added the SRP Forum, SRP Newsletter (The SRP Review), and the SRP Blog (The SRP Update). We quickly found our blog needed to have more communication between the readers and the writers. So to enhance the user experience we have decided to migrate our blog into a new site powered by WordPress. This allows the reader to subscribe to RSS feeds easier, leave comments/discussion, and interact with SRP staff and SRP community in a more enhanced way. So without further ado, we are pleased to announce the update SRP Update blog site!
Pulling the Rug from Beneath your Feet
Many software applications are designed to self-update. With the use of the RDKInstall function, OpenInsight applications have an easy way to add this ability. Some of our own applications that we have built make use of TIMER events, remote servers, and OECGI to make this an automated and seamless feature.
One of the dangers of self-updating tools is when the tool itself is updated in a way that prevents further self-updates (say that five times fast.) I have personally seen this happen on a number of mainstream systems. The solution always results in some kind of manual update to the self-updating technology so that it can begin to work as intended.
The Runtime Deployment Kit (RDK) attempts to avert this problem in an interesting way. When an extraction is made from a Deployment Definition, one of the entities that is placed in the SYSUPGRADE table is the %RUN% record. This is nothing more than a copy of $RDKMODULEINSTALL from the SYSOBJ system table. When the RDKInstall function is ran, it copies %RUN% into the target SYSOBJ table as $RDKMODULEINSTALL.
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The SRP Review – Summer 2013
Ah summer! Backyard BBQs, swimming in the pool, surfing the beach, and watching my pale skin turn from various shades of pink to an unhealthy red, only to eventually turn tan. Oh, and also The SRP Review – Summer edition. We have been working on a few articles about recent events, interesting issues that have happened since the Spring, and also an awesome deal on the SRP Controls. To view this season’s copy, you can go to this link. If you haven’t already signed up for our newsletter, you can do so by going here.
SRP Editor Giveaway: One Week Left!
The end of May is only a week away and with that ends our giveaway of the SRP Editor. Be sure to get your copy before time runs out! For details, see instructions posted on The SRP Update: SRP Editor Giveaway!
SRP Editor Giveaway!
With all the excitement around here (like launching our new website, speaking at the Revelation Software Users’ Conference, and releasing a new version of the SRP Editor), we thought we would celebrate the occasion with a special giveaway!
We are making our SRP Editor available to you – for free! Already using the SRP Editor? We have something for you too – get the next year of updates and downloads for free!
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Website Launch!
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s the new SRP website!
A little too much build up? Well, maybe, but we truly hope that you will be as excited about this new look as we are. This project helped remind us of who we are as a company and what we are trying to accomplish in this industry: excellence.
So we cleaned up a lot of the information that had been floating around the old site, tweaked our menus, and really tried to make the website seamless and intuitive. Check it out!
Introducing The SRP Review
Besides working on the new look of our website, we have also been getting a new media outlet ready. Welcome to the launch of our quarterly newsletter, The SRP Review! This is where we will be keeping you up to speed with what is going on at SRP. This issue contains information regarding SRP being invited to speak at Revelation Conference 2013, past SRP conference presentations being made available to the public, and SRP Editor 2.6 release. If you would like to receive future issues of the SRP Review, please enter your email address on this page to subscribe.
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